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P. 256


              ProStar  Filter Media Options

              Independently lab-tested ProStar Premium Cartridge Filters are engineered to stretch your fi lter’s lifespan and
              operational budgets further. ProStar fi lters are 8 inches  to 22 inches in diameter, available in lengths up to 52
              inches, and provide a diverse selection of media options to ensure the right fi lter solution for your application.

               ProStar FILTERS            CP-M11             SP-M12             NF-M15                PT-E11

               BASE MEDIA             Cellulose/Poly Blend  Spunbond Polyester  Cellulose/Poly    Spunbond Polyester
                                                                               with Nanofi ber     with PTFE Membrane
                MERVE EFFICIENCY RATING*    11                 12                 15                  20/E-11
                CONTINUOUS SERVICE
                TEMPERATURE             180 ºF (82 ºC)     200 ºF (93 ºC)      180 ºF (82 ºC)      275 ºF (135 ºC)
                ABRASION RESISTANCE        Good              Excellent            Good                Excellent
                CHEMICAL TOLERANCE          Fair             Excellent            Good                Excellent

                FLAME-RETARDANT             Yes                No                 Yes                  No
                                                                           Aluminum welding, carbon
                                                      Abrasive/shot blasting, sand            Laser and plasma cutting, stainless
                                      Carbon steel welding,   blasting, metal and composite   steel welding, metalizing   steel welding, aluminum welding,
                                      hybrid steel welding,                (low temperature),
                APPLICATIONS          resistance welding,   grinding, general industrial,   resistance welding, general   polishing, buffi ng, agglomerating
                                      general industrial,   cement, wood dust, cardboard,   industrial, power plants (low   materials, turbine, metalizing (high
                                                                                              temperature), pharmaceuticals,
                                                      paper, rubber, food processing,
                                      plastics, wood dust                  temperature), turbine inlet,
                                                      fi berglass, textiles                    ceramics, asbestos
                                                                           heavy vehicle intake
                                      This depth-loading hybrid
                                      media offers superior   A high-strength, durable media   High-effi ciency fi ltration for   Ultra-high HEPA fi ltration with
                                      fi ltration through a unique   with nanofi ber membrane that   extremely small particulate   state-of-the-art ptfe membrane for
               SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS  blend of multi-sized   provides excellent surface   down to 0.3 micron in size.   excellent particle release and long
                                      fi bers that creates   loading and dust release   Excellent particle release   fi lter life. A hydrophobic membrane
                                      high-effi ciency fi ltration   capabilities.  with membrane fi ltration.  that repels all submicronic
                                      for small and larger                                    particulate, both wet or dry.
                                                      Where high-effi ciency fi ltration,       Excellent performance for
                                      A high-effi ciency media,   fl exibility, low resistance   Premium performance for   processes that require HEPA
               PERFORMANCE            for an economical   and excellent dust release   ambient fi ltration, weld   fi ltration with a cartridge fi lter. This
                                      price for most welding   capabilities are demanded, this   smoke, and extreme fi ne   is the highest effi ciency and lowest
                                      application.    MERV 15 media has proven   and non-fi brous dust.  resistance cartridge fi lter in the
                                                      itself superior.                        industry.
              Specifi cations subject to change without notice. Consult your Praxair representative when ordering.

               TYPICAL                           PROSTAR
               CELLULOSE/POLY MERV 9-10          CP-M11 MERV 11
               CELLULOSE/POLY/NF MERV 12-13      NF-M15 MERV 15

               SPUNBOND POLYESTER MERV 10-11     SP-M15 MERV 15
               POLYESTER/PTFE MERV 16            PT-E11 HEPA                                   *MERV = Minimum Effi ciency
                                                                                                Reporting Value

              E28                                 1-800-225-8247
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