Page 215 - Praxair Productivity Catalog
P. 215

ProStar Custom Automation

          Praxair’s Microbulk Solutions

          Praxair’s Microbulk on-site gas delivery system is the   Pumper Trucks
          cost-effective cylinder alternative for your business.      Designed exclusively for cryogenic gas service
          By replacing cylinders with an on-site, uninterrupted      Multiple trucks for maximum geographical coverage
          supply, Praxair’s Microbulk delivery system maximizes      Multiple distribution points for maximum effi ciency
          profi tability, improves effi ciency–and it’s from Praxair,
          the largest industrial gas company in North America.  Tanks

                                     ASK PRAXAIR ABOUT            Choose from a variety of storage tank sizes
                                    PIPE-CUTTING OPTIONS          Tough 304 stainless steel construction
                                                                  Optimized for on-site fi lling
                                                                  High fi ll rate capability: 2 – 12 minutes
                                                                  Longer hold times than standard liquid containers

                                                               Outdoor Filling Box

                                                                  Exterior wall-mounted
                                                                  Locked, tamper-resistant
                                                                  Eliminates production interruption
                                                                  Allows around-the-clock fi lls

                                                               Telemetry System

                                                                  Direct link to Praxair’s customer service
                                                                  LCD readout indicates current status
                                                                  Accuracy within +/- .10”
                                                                  Three-level setting
                                                                  Audible low-level alarm with two-way calling
                                                                  Wireless or dedicated phone line connection

                                                               A variety of Microbulk storage tanks are available to meet your
                                                               specifi c needs. Ask your Praxair representative for more information.

          SPECIFICATIONS        450 MP  450 HP  450 VHP  1000 MP  1000 HP  1000 VHP  1500 HP  1500 VHP 2000 VHP  3000 HP
          GROSS CAPACITY (LITERS)  450   450     450     1,056   1,056    1,056   1,550   1,550    2,042   2,911
          NET CAPACITY (LITERS)  420     420     420     950      950     950     1,455   1,455    1,945   2,707
          MAWP (PSIG)            250     350     500      250     350     500      350     500     500      350
          MAX GAS DELIVERY RATE   575    575     575     960      960     960     1,350   1,350    2,000   1,350
          DIAMETER (IN)          30      30       30      42      42       42      48      48       48      59
          HEIGHT (IN)            68      68       68      77      77       77      91      91      117      117
          TARE WEIGHT (Lb.)     605      688     812     1,550   1,750    2,250   3,080   3,350    3,860   4,500
          DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS                                      ASME
          CONSTRUCTION                         Inner and outer shell 304 stainless steel. Lower pressure models are available.

                          1-800-225-8247                                        D55
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