Page 66 - Medical Gases and Equipment Catalog
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Medical Gases and Equipment Catalog

Analytical Services

Praxair Healthcare Services offers you a comprehensive analytical   Here are six good reasons to call Praxair Healthcare
testing service program. Our experienced team of professionals      Services for your medical gases piping systems sampling
in the Analytical Service Group is available to answer your         and analyzing needs:
questions through our 24-hour emergency response system,
which includes on-call chemists.                                    •	 In-house expertise in compressed gases
                                                                    •	 On call for analysis outside of normal business hours
We provide a twenty-four hour turnaround on gas analysis            •	 Available twenty-four hour turnaround
including:                                                          •	 Gas chromatography through remote sampling identifies
•	 Oxygen (trace nitrogen levels)
•	 Nitrogen (trace oxygen levels)                                      a wider range of potential contaminants
•	 Nitrous Oxide (trace nitrogen and oxygen levels).Trace analysis
                                                                    •	 Instrument calibration gases are NIST traceable
   of the variable gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide,   •	 We aim to provide accurate, consistent, reliable results…
   methane, and total volatile hydrocarbons (TVHC)
•	 Liquid hydrocarbons (oil mist) in air                               every time
•	 Particulate quantifications
•	 Halogenated hydrocarbons                                         For more information or a needs assessment and cost estimate,
•	 Analytes are identified and quantified at levels from percent    call us at:
   (%) to parts per million (ppm)
                                                                    Northeast Division     2807 Gresham Lake Road
In addition, we quantify and identify unexpected contaminants in    55 Old Ridgeway Road   Raleigh
your medical gases piping. Such analyses include:                   Danbury                NC 27615
•	 Elemental analysis                                               CT 06810               Phone: 888-863-0500
•	 Melting point determination                                      Phone: 800-431-2460
•	 Metallurgical analysis                                                                           919-431-1352
•	 Metals characterization                                                   914-666-2990  Fax: 919-431-8998
•	 Particle size determination                                      Fax: 914-666-9103
•	 Particulate quantifications                            
•	 Bacterial and fungi determination

Several commercial cleaning agents for oxygen service are
available, some of which are halogenated solvents containing
hydrocarbons. If you use these solvents for cleaning your medical
piping, we offer two test methods to check for trace contaminants
of halogenated hydrocarbons in the system after it has been
cleaned and then flushed,usually with nitrogen:
•	 On-site Detector Tubes: These are usually calibrated for a

   particular chemical or chemicals.
•	 Gas Chromatography: Using our remote sampling system, we

   are able to test samples in our lab on a gas chromatograph
   which can specifically identify a wider range of potential
   contaminants at parts per billion (ppb) levels, well below the
   regulatory limit of 2 parts per million. Contact our chemists
   for details.

                                                                    Southeast Division

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