Page 49 - Medical Gases and Equipment Catalog
P. 49

Medical Gases and Equipment Catalog

Introduction to Suction Drainage Equipment

                                                                             Suction Regulators:
                                                                             These durable suction regulators are designed to provide broader
                                                                             ranges of use while simplifying your repair and parts replacement
                                                                             program. All regulators have common, readily interchangeable
                                                                            components, reducing the number of parts at a considerable
                                                                            cost savings. These regulators can be set to effectively limit the
                                                                            depth of vacuum (subatmospheric pressure) while still providing
                                                                            excellent air flows, thereby lessening the dangers of trauma.
                                                                            They are available in a variety of configurations and can be
                                                                            specifically marked for the areas of their intended use.
                                                                      •C	 ommon, readily interchangeable parts to lower overall cost

                                                                                of ownership
                                                                      •S	 uction range can be pre-set to limit potential for tissue

                                                                                trauma with high flow rates
                                                                      •C	 an be labeled for areas of intended use
Surgical and Oral-Nasal-Tracheal (O.N.T.) Suction
Western regulators are typically used in surgery or for aspirating
mucus, blood, and other foreign bodies from the nose, mouth
and upper respiratory tract. Regulators with the Nursery label
are factory locked at 100mmHg. Tracheal and Suction Regulators
are available in locked ranges below 200mm Hg, and are also
available in Full Vac models without a locked range.
Remote Safety Interrupter and Integral Monitoring Gauge:
When using a suction-assisted drainage for the removal of gas,
fluids, and small liberated solids from the stomach and upper
intestinal tract, a Western Remote Safety Interrupter Assembly
with integral monitoring gauge can be added between the
regulator and the drainage collection unit. The Interrupter
Assembly limits suction levels to 95mm Hg, and air flows of 1 to
3 lpm. The unit is so designed that when set above the 95mm Hg limit and the catheter becomes occluded, the unit will interrupt the
drainage and cycle between 15 and 95mm Hg intermittently as long as the occlusion is present and the setting is too high. Provides
excellent drainage in the 40-60mm Hg range and works well with double lumen vented gastric sump tubes.

Praxair is proud to feature Western Medica branded products. For over 40 years, Western has been developing and supplying
equipment for the control, storage, and transmission of high pressure gases to various markets. Western products are designed and
manufactured to provide unparalleled technical accuracy and performance for the most demanding applications.
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